One of my favorite things is homemade bread fresh from the
oven and slathered with butter. After 50
years of daily meal preparations, I have some recipes that deliver enjoyment and
satisfaction “over the moon.” My
mother-in-law shared this recipe with me 40 years ago or more. It’s what one would term “a keeper,”
This recipe requires no kneading which makes it simple and easy to stir together. I use a large Tupperware bowl with a seal-able lid to mix the ingredients because the dough is refrigerated for three hours or overnight before baking. Alternately, a cook could use a dishtowel or plastic wrap to cover the bowl while it is refrigerated.
No Refined Sugar
One of the best features of the recipe is that it requires no refined sugar. Molasses is a sweetener that is formed as a byproduct of the sugar-making process. Molasses is a thick syrup made during the sugar-making process. It comes from crushed sugar cane or sugar beets. Unlike refined sugar, molasses also contains some vitamins and minerals including Vitamin B6, calcium, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese and selenium.
After baking the bread in the oven, one should let the bread rest in the pan as it will continue to bake (just like cookies) and firm up the texture. Personally, I have never been able to resist the magnetism of hot, fresh-baked bread of any variety.
Best Pan
I bake my raisin bread in an angel food cake pan because the texture of this bread is dense, and I have found over the years that a large artisan loaf has difficulty cooking the center of the loaf without charring the outer edges of the bread. The angel food cake pan solves that problem due to its center funnel. An angel food cake pan delivers consistent texture and doneness throughout the loaf without scorching the outer edges.
This recipe makes a large loaf of bread. When our children were at home, the raisin bread vanished in a twinkle. Since I cook for two now, I freeze half the loaf for a later day. This bread would also serve as a delectable basis for French toast or bread pudding. It’s great to share at get-togethers, teas or brunch buffets
No-Knead Raisin Bread
5 cups flour
1 cup quick oats
2 packages yeast (original not rapid rise)
1 Tablespoon salt
2 cups water
½ cup light molasses
1/3 cup shortening or oil
2 eggs
2 cups seedless raisins
In a large bowl combine 3 cups flour, oats, yeast and salt.
In a medium saucepan over low heat, heat 2 cups water, molasses, and oil or shortening until warm. You should be able to test the temperature with your finger. It should be only slightly above body temperature. If the liquid is too hot (above 135 Fahrenheit), it will kill the yeast.
With mixer at medium speed, slowly pour the warmed liquid into the dry ingredients.
Beat 2 minutes.
With spoon stir in eggs, raisins, and remaining 2 cups of flour.
Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours or overnight.
To Bake:
Grease or spray an angel food cake pan.
Spoon raisin bread dough into pan and smooth to even height.
Let dough rise in a warm spot until double in size (about 1 hour),
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Bake for about 70 minutes. Bread will sound hollow when thumped when it’s done.
May you enjoy this recipe for the next 40 years as I have for the past 40. Blessings to you and yours.
My son gave me a crepe pan for Christmas which was his subtle way of inducing more crepes from my kitchen. The specialized pan made it easy to create uniformly thin crepes perfectly.
My family loves crepes. We often eat them as a light supper or
festive luncheon. My son recently brought home a recipe that makes a scrumptious
breakfast especially for kids with sleep-over guests.
At our family get-together luncheon crepes were requested. Our son brought bananas and Nutella to the occasion for each of us to try. Oh my!!! I was hooked from the moment the hazelnut chocolate spread bananas hit my taste buds. Besides being delicious the crepes had healthy aspects as well.
Bananas are rich in antioxidants and several nutrients. A medium-sized banana has about 105 calories. Bananas hold very little protein and almost no fat.
Bananas are rich in potassium and fiber. They may help prevent asthma, cancer, high blood pressure,diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and digestive problems. One medium-sized banana contains 422 milligrams of potassium.
Potassium also helps
muscles to contract and nerve cells to respond. It keeps the heart beating
regularly and can reduce the effect of sodium on blood pressure.
Potassium may reduce
the risk of kidney stones forming as people age. In turn, healthy kidneys make
sure that the right amount of potassium is kept in the body.
I want to share our family’s delicious delight with crepes, so here’s the easiest crepe recipe you’ll ever find.
Basic Crepes
3 eggs
6 Tablespoons flour
3 Tablespoons softened butter
½ cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Put all ingredients in a blender and mix.
Let sit for 20 minutes.
Spray crepe pan with cooking spray and heat pan over medium-high heat.
When water drop sizzles on heated pan, pour a small amount of crepe batter in center of pan and swirl to cover pan with a thin layer of the batter.
When bubbles appear on the top surface of the crepe, flip the crepe and quickly toast the other side. (Due to the hot pan and a thin crepe, this happens very quickly.)
Place crepe on a plate and continue cooking individual crepes.
Place paper towel between each crepe to keep them from sticking together
Slice a banana on an open crepe and drizzle with Nutella. Fold the crepe over the filling and enjoy!
This crepe recipe makes 5-6 crepes. It’s easy to double for more!
The Bible is a bloody book. We are told “the life is in the blood”
(Lev. 17:11). Throughout the Bible the blood of men and animal sacrifices are
spilled for war and redemption. The purposes of God and man clash with
incessant violence and bloody results. There’s blood on men’s hands, and blood
on the horns of the altar. There’s blood on the ground, and blood on the
lintels and door posts. Blood is everywhere, from Genesis to Revelation. Why is
Life and death. Those are the reasons. God gave man life. Man
chose death over life by choosing sin over obedience. (Romans 5:12) God is
just, requiring payment for every life that has become forfeit through sin. And
that life is found in the blood. So God gave the law, and by His mercy He
accepted the blood of animals rather than the blood of man. (Heb. 9:22;13:11)
But the sin nature was stronger than the intent of the law. No matter how many
sacrifices were made, the heart of man was as rebellious as ever. (Heb. 10:4)
We know the story. God knew the law would never be enough. He knew
the sacrifices would never be enough. He knew it from the beginning. The law
was just a step in His ultimate plan, stating plainly what He considers right
and wrong, removing all excuses (Rom. 7:7). Have you ever heard the
conversation: “Why does he do that?” “It just seems to be in his blood.” What
does that mean?
Here’s an interesting bit of information from ”The Life Is In
the Blood,” by Martin R. DeHaan, M.D.
“In the
human body there are many different kinds of tissues. We define them as muscle,
nerve, fat, gland, bone connective tissues, etc. All these tissues have one
thing in common, they are fixed cells, microscopically small and having a
specific and limited function. Unlike these fixed tissues, the blood is fluid
and mobile, that is, it is not limited to one part of the body but is free to
move throughout the entire body and touch every other fixed cell as it supplies
it with nourishment and carries off waste products and the ashes of cell
activity which we call metabolism.”
We need a
What does the blood carry along? Bits and pieces of dead cells
from all over our bodies are carried along as waste. And in the waste and white
blood cells of blood is DNA, which is produced in the nuclei and carries that
cell’s traits, in fact all our traits. Science continues to discover more and
more about the traits carried by DNA. They are discovering that man’s blood is
tainted with sinful tendencies and earthly diseases. Every cell is touched with
this contamination. In short, we need a transfusion.
But if all of humanity’s blood is tainted, how could we ever find
blood healthy enough to make us whole? God had to bring Holy Blood into the
earth. So the blood of humanity was mixed with the Blood of a holy God in the
Son—Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah. (Gal. 4:3-5) But how is this blood mixed with
ours? And how could doing this pay the price for the death of every man’s soul?
First of all by sacrificing the perfect Blood. (Romans 5:17, Heb. 9:12, 14) In
heaven, the perfect Blood of Christ is eternal. (2 Cor. 3:6, Matt. 26:28, Rom.
5:9, Eph. 2:13) It cannot truly die as the blood of animals and people.
Jesus’ blood acts as a living, healing, eternal payment and cure
for our sins. (Heb13:20). The blood of Christ satisfies the earthly demands of
the law and the heavenly justice of God. (Rev. 5:10) It’s the perfect solution.
Of course it is. It’s God. Our Loving Heavenly Father sent the perfect blood
donor to earth to infuse us with life.
The Blood of the Vine.
John 15:4-5 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear
fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you
abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in
him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
Here is a concept which is metaphorically both simple and complex.
Do plants even have blood? Many scientists say yes, and though it certainly
differs from our blood in many ways, in some ways it is the same. And plants
also have a circulatory system to distribute that blood to every part from
roots to leaves.
Instead of veins and arteries, plants have xylem and phloem, cells
attached end to end to form tubes for transporting necessary nutrients up and
down the plant. Just like in people, if you cut part of a plant off, it dies.
Plants cannot live without that vital link to the core of the plant anymore
than any of our body parts could live apart from the body itself.
What did the Lord mean when He said to “abide”? To abide is
“to remain as one, not to become another or different.” We are called to become
and remain as inseparable from the Lord as the branches of the vine, or the
appendages of our bodies.
What is this substance which is so essential to our spiritual
existence that we cannot survive without it?
It is apparent we are not speaking of a literal, physical
transfusion. So what essential, life-sustaining substance is the Lord referring
Blood. The Blood of our Savior is the living catalyst by which we
become a branch of the heavenly Vine. Only by His blood circulating through us
can we be compatible with the Vine, and able to receive the life-sustaining
flow of the Spirit into our being.
John 14:15-17 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And
I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you
forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it
neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells [same Greek
word, abide] with you and will be in you.
The blood of aliens—Transfused into Glory.
As a homeschooling mom, when introducing the Periodic Table of
Elements, I would tell my sons, “Here is a list of all the known elements
which make up everything in the physical universe. However, there is an element
not listed here. It is not included because it is not a physical element. But
it is all-important, because it is what God is made of. It is called Spirit.
God is Spirit (John 4:24)…”
Without God’s Spirit in us, we will never be able to effectively
serve or worship Him. And the only way we can be transfused and transformed by
Spirit is by the Blood. When we are received into the Vine by the blood, and
receive the life-flow of Spirit in us, we become new creatures, bearing fruit
to His glory.
The Blood is the life-giving transfusion, available to us by Holy
Spirit’s total invasion of our being. The life is in the Blood. New creatures,
brought back from the brink of death by a transfusion of life. Now we can
choose not just life, but life eternal! How great is our God!
Nutrition experts have begun to advise low-carbohydrate diets to treat or prevent some chronic diseases and conditions, including cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes.
A low-carb diet focuses on proteins, including meat, poultry, fish and eggs, and some non-starchy vegetables. A low-carb diet generally excludes or limits most grains, legumes, fruits, breads, sweets, pastas and starchy vegetables. Some low-carb diet plans allow small amounts of certain fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Decrease Carbohydrates
The idea behind the low-carb diet is that decreasing carbs lowers insulin levels, which causes the body to burn stored fat for energy and ultimately leads to weight loss. According to Dr. Atkins, a carbohydrate count of less than 20 per day for two weeks will start a fat-burning state called ketosis.
Ketosis is a normal metabolic process, something your body does to keep working when it doesn’t have access to carbohydrates. Ketosis uses stored fat as body fuel due to the limited amount of glucose available when carbohydrate restriction is used for dieting. Without carbohydrates, the body’s fuel of choice, the body uses up the energy in the body’s fat stores which results in weight loss.
Net Carbs
Some types of carbohydrates do not affect blood sugar in the body as much as others, so the thought is that net carbs only account for carbs that do affect blood sugar. Net carbs are total carbohydrates per serving minus the number of grams of fiber (soluble and insoluble) per serving.
When counting carbohydrates for a recipe, I use net carbs which is the total carbohydrates minus the dietary fiber and one-half of the sugar alcohols which reveals the net carbs in a recipe.
Sugar alcohols
5-6 Carb Crock Pot Taco Soup
Sugar alcohols are another form of carbohydrate that has an extremely small impact on blood sugar levels. Sugar alcohols, like sorbitol, malitol, lactitol or sucralose, have half of the calories than those contained in other sugars, and therefore, half of the carbs from sugar alcohols can be deducted from the total carbohydrate count. Since fiber and sugar alcohols are not absorbed by the body, they do not affect the blood glucose.
1 pound ground beef, chicken or turkey
1 medium onion, chopped
4 garlic cloves
1 Tbsp chili powder
1/4 tsp each of garlic powder, onion powder, crushed red pepper flakes and dried oregano
1/2 tsp paprika
1 tsp ground cumin
Dash of salt and pepper
cups chicken broth
1 four oz can of green chilies
4 medium tomatoes, diced
1 cup salsa
Avocado (optional)
Instructions:In a skillet over medium heat, brown meat.Drain fat from meat and put in crock pot.Add remaining ingredients to crock pot (except avocado) and cook over low heat for 6-8 hours. Garnish soup with avocado, if desired.
The information contained in this book is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment, and, as author, I encourage readers to consult with qualified medical professionals for treatment and related advice for their health. 5
I encourage individuals and their families to consult with qualified medical professionals for treatment and related advice on individual cases before beginning any diet. Decisions relating to the prevention, detection and treatment of all health issues should be made only after discussing the risks and benefits with your health care provider, taking into account your personal medical history, your current situation and your future health risks and concerns. If you are pregnant, nursing, diabetic, on medication, have a medical condition, or are beginning a health or weight control program, consult your physician.
My sister had a jade tree that made me envious because of its stately beauty. When I asked her how she grew the plant into such a beautiful succulent, she said she ignored it. She gave me a cutting to root, and years later I have an abundance of jade plants to enjoy and give as presents to friends looking for an easy care, beautiful houseplant.
Minimal Care
In winter my jade plants sit on the south-facing kitchen windowsill. Jades need lots of sunlight and an average temperature of 55-70 degrees which my kitchen supplies. They are succulents and require minimal water or attention. I water mine once a week if the soil is dry. If I forget a week, the jades are fine. The plants will rot if left in a water-logged environment.
Cloning Jade Trees
During the summer I move the plants to the south side of the front porch. I had a catastrophe this summer with my largest jade tree. A summer storm blew the plant from its stand to the patio and broke off several limbs. Crushed, I did a quick rescue and potted the broken limbs in several pots and hoped for the best. The faithful jade rewarded me with healthy clones within the week. I learned to set the top-heavy plant on the porch floor rather than perch it on a stand where the wind could topple it.
Jade trees like to be root-bound and only need to be re-potted every two or three years. Pots should have good drainage to keep plants from becoming water-logged, The jade plant’s roots are quite shallow, and full-grown plant limbs put on tiny root shoots along their branches. I guess it’s as a precaution, just in case, to provide emergency supplies in case of a crash landing.
Jade tree propagation is quite easy. Every individual leaf that falls from the plant has the opportunity to root if the conditions are right. If an occasional small branch breaks off, I put it in a small vase until roots appear before potting. In some cases, like my toppled plant, I just insert the branch or cutting into potting soil and water. Usually it grows.
I have never fertilized my jade trees; however, my plant soil mix has worm castings and compost in it which is probably richer than most jades require. Jades will also benefit from a succulent potting soil that doesn’t get water-logged. Too much water will induce root rot, so go sparingly on water rations. I have some new neighbors and the extra jade propagation plants will make a nice housewarming gift. Happy growing!
This waterproof tape could be the quick, easy fix for the hen house roof. Keep your chickens healthy and dry. Great for quick repair to shed, barn, and chicken house.
WATERPROOF: rubberized tape seals and mends roofs, pipes, pools, boats, , hydroponics and hoses even under water FLEXIBLE: tape curves to bond with pvc, metal, wood, wood and plastic to create a seal impervious to air and moisture STRONG: rubberized construction creates durable, long-term, bond for home and garden DIY projects ENDS: leaks, holes and tears on surfaces needing a flexible bond like roofs, gutters, awnings, RV’s and boats with a flexible seal that can withstand both high and low temperature changes.
There has been concern about the ingredients in most deodorants on the market. Some deodorants contain toxic chemicals that when applied directly to the skin, enter the bloodstream without any filtering. These chemicals can negatively impact the body’s endocrine system and produce adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological and immune effects.
Some ingredients are know skin irritants that can cause itchiness, rash, swelling and redness. My husband’s underarm rash began our search for a natural alternative to commercial deodorants. As he was undergoing shoulder replacement surgery at the same time, we were very cognizant of the need for an antibacterial natural product he could use effectively.
As our family has adopted essential oils for many natural remedies, I remembered that lemons have antibacterial and antiseptic qualities.I went to the refrigerator and got the bottle of Real Lemon 100% juice and put it in a personal size spray bottle for easy application. Voila–the body odor was eliminated.
We shared our finding with the physical therapist attending his surgery. She was excited about finding a natural alternative to commercial deodorants.
There are recipes for using essential lemon oil for deodorants; but simple is my keynote, and what can be simpler than straight lemon juice applied with a spray bottle? That said, essential lemon oil is a household staple in our home as it has so many beneficial uses. I have listed just 10 below with a link to purchase if you so desire.
1. Soothe Sore Throat: Add 2-3 drops of lemon oil to hot tea, or drink it with warm water and honey to help soothe a sore throat.
2. Coughs, Colds & General Congestion: Rub a few drops of lemon oil on your chest and/or throat when you feel congested. Repeat several times daily. You can also diffuse lemon oil into the air for help with respiratory problems.
3. Stop a Runny Nose: Use a little carrier oil and a drop of lemon oil in the palm of your hand. Get your fingertip wet and swipe each side of your nose. This really works!
4. Treat Allergies & Hay Fever: Apply a drop of lemon oil behind the ear or under the nose 2-3 times a day to help fight seasonal allergies. Alternately apply to the bottoms of your feet.
5. Energy Booster: Add a couple of drops of both lemon and peppermint essential oils to water for an instant boost in energy.
6. Sanitize Your Toothbrush: Put a drop of lemon oil on your toothbrush then swish it around in a bit of water to immediately clean and sanitize it.
7. Bad Breath: Place 4 drops of lemon oil in 4 ounces of warm water and gargle to get rid of bad breath.
8. Treat Acne: Apply three drops of lemon essential oil to a cotton ball and swipe onto the affected area, repeating up to three times a day.
9. Fight Fatigue: Moisten a cloth with five drops of lemon essential oil and hold directly underneath your nose. Breathe in the scent for at least two minutes.
10. Stress Relief: Add ten to fifteen drops of essential lemon oil to your bath water and soak for at least fifteen minutes.
Welcome to Country Parson's Wife, I'm Dr. Mary Ellen, author, teacher and wife of a country pastor for 50 years. My blog is dedicated to a lifestyle built on faith, family, simplicity and self-sufficiency that enhances the health, peace, beauty and industry of our homes and gardens.
My prayer is that you be encouraged and propelled into the abundant life God has prepared for you.
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