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The future is in the hearts and minds of our children. With youngsters like Gabe and Livvy Feinn the world will be a caring and compassionate place in the future. Gabe and LIvvy were inspired by a Samaritan’s Purse catalog which outlined some of the projects underwritten by Franklin Graham’s ministry. The brother and sister accepted the challenge to raise enough money to renovate a missionary hospital deep in the jungles of the Congo that had been destroyed by a brutal civil war. Wanting to stretch their faith, they committed to raising $35,000 for the project.

Their plan revolved around cupcakes. They baked cakes by the hundred and cupcakes by the thousands to sell to friends, neighbors, and family. They covered all their efforts with prayer and faith.

Remember how when we were doing our project we would ask people to just do 1%?  In our case, we wanted to have a team of 100 people that would each raise $350.  But how it actually worked out was we had about 160 people donate and some were able to do 1% and some could only do a little bit.

We saw children who were only 3 & 4 step up and do a whole lot for the hospital project.  Campers at elementary camp gave up snack tokens and middle school students shoveled snow or went without birthday presents or Christmas presents so the money could be donated instead.

 When we at least do the 1%, we make a difference!  But as you know, God raised all the money!” In a little over a year they met their goal, and the maternity hospital at Nyankunde was rebuilt.

Graham’s ministries flew Gabe and Livvy to Africa for the opening of the hospital. They were there to witness the first birth, a C-section, and were able to hold the first baby of their faithfulness in their arms. The baby, a little girl, was named Gabriella in honor of Gabe. Because of the hospital, the baby’s life was saved. Her future was made possible by two young people who desired to have their faith stretched to see what God could do through them. The future is in good hands with models like Gabe and Livvy who know in whom they have believed.